Handicap Portsmouth on 27th November

The Handicap Portsmouth will take place at Pool Academy on Sunday 27th* November. As usual we will be shooting half a Portsmouth round in the morning (that is, 2 1/2 dozen arrows at 20 yards) and a full Portsmouth after lunch. The scores from the morning round are used to calculate a handicap rating. We then add an allowance onto your score for the afternoon round. So, if you shoot well in the morning you get a low handicap and a low extra. A beginner might get a higher handicap and a higher allowance. The idea is that the people who better than they normally do are most likely to win, rather than the one with the highest score.

If that sounds complicated, don’t worry, we do the sums and there are awards for the highest overall scores as well.

It is a popular shoot and great for beginners, so pop over to the Events page for more details and to download a copy of the entry form.

*It really is the 27th, not the 12th as I originally put in the title 🙂