Archery clubs need a lot of equipment to function, and whilst any individual item isn’t that expensive it all adds up. There are bosses, stands, bows and arrows for beginners in a range of different sizes amongst many other bits and bobs. A fair bit of our current stock is wearing out and is due for replacement. We have heard that we have been successful in applying for two grants.
ArcheryGB have given us a sum to pay for video equipment and a laptop to make it easier for us to offer video feedback in coaching. This is a really useful tool, because whilst a coach can suggest ways to improve your form, there is nothing like seeing it for yourself. With the new equipment we will be able to do live feedback as well as after the shot.
We have also been offered a large grant from Sport England towards new bows and a long list of other kit. Sport England said the fund was oversubscribed by nearly five times, so huge thanks have to go to Marcus and his partner for compiling a good bid.