We are sad to have to say that we will not be able to shoot at Hayle Rugby Club this summer. We can blame the you-know-what. The rugby club need to make ends meet and, let’s face it, our archery club makes them very little. With less money coming in they have had to try to find other uses for the field that will generate more income, and we can’t blame them at all for that. We would like to take the opportunity to thank them for the way they have made us feel feel welcome for the last four years. We have very much enjoyed being there.
So that leaves us having to find another site. Redruth Archers have kindly offered to host us at their ground for the time being, but we really need a place of our own. We need a reasonably level field that is big enough to conform to ArcheryGB safety rules, has space to park some cars and our equipment containers and ideally has toilets nearby. We are open to offers and suggestions! Do get in touch.